
Tattoo Aftercare

1. Leave bandage on for around an hour.

2. Next, wash with antibacterial soap and warm water. Do not re-bandage.

3. Pat dry and wait 10 to 15 minutes before you apply the ointment.

4. Apply the ointment as you would a hand lotion; rub it in. Do not leave any extra on the surface of your skin.

5. Repeat steps 2-4 a couple times per day. Do not apply ointment with out washing it first. Switch to hand lotion after 7 days.

6. It is an option to cover your tattoo with plastic wrap while you sleep for the first 3 days.

7. Your new tattoo will flake and peel in the final stages of healing. This is normal. Do not pick it. Do not swim and do not tan for 2 weeks.

Piercing Aftercare

1. Do not touch your piercing

2. Wash with antibacterial soap 3-4 times per day for 2 weeks.

3. Do not use rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, sea salt or any other chemicals.  Use soap only!

Oral Piercing Aftercare

1. Rinse with antiseptic mouthwash 3-4 times per day.

2.  Do not quit using your tongue.  Stay in your normal routine.  It is important to eat and talk normal.

3. If your tongue turns green or brown, don’t worry!  This can be corrected by diluting the mouthwash with water.

4. Swelling may occur and can be reduced by taking ibuprofen.